Teresa Gallagher reads ‘Boundless: Tracing Land and Dream in a New Northwest Passage’, Kathleen Winter’s story of her journey as the Writer-in-Residence on a boat travelling through the Northwest Passage and how the voyage became as much an exploration of her own roots as a venture into the arctic ice fields.

First Broadcast:
Monday - Friday, 23rd-27th March 2015 at 09:45 on BBC Radio 4
Production Credits:
Writer: Kathleen Winter
Abridger: Pete Nichols
Reader: Teresa Gallagher
Broadcast Assistant: Holly Slater
Sound Engineer: Alisdair McGregor
Producer: Karen Rose
Music: Tomorrows Song by Olafur Arnalds, We (Too) Shall Rest by Olafur Arnalds & Northwest Passage by Stan Rogers